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This is for Kelsee Bone :)

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

May 13, 2015

Weight Lifting 
A)BS 31X0 8 reps x4    65%, 70%, 75%, 80%
Really focus on driving up through the heals on your Back Squat!

B)  Rear foot elevated spilt sq. 3 sec count going down 8-10 x4 
This week use weight, start with 15 lbs, increase weight each set as long as you can compete the 8 reps, if you can't go down in weight.                    
C1)Hanging leg lowers 3 sec count going down                   
C2) Good morning 31x3 10 reps x4 -use either a pvc pipe or a 35 lbs or a 45 lbs barbell       
                    Good morning demo

10 Emom 2 Power Cleans 85% (increase weight for last week) + 15 single Jump Rope

Post a video on the blog doing one of the exercises or doing an exercise on your own.

For this workout you need to use go to a track or use a treadmill. Something that allows you to measure the distance you've ran. 

4 x 4 min run w/ 3 min rest
(record the distant you ran in 4 min)


  1. Back squat: 155, 165, 175, 185 10x3
    split squat: @95 lbs
    Good mornings @135lbs
    cleans @135

    .56, .61, .6, .64

    1. good mornings aren't supposed to be heavy. The max should be 55 or 65lb

  2. Back squat: 155, 165, 175, 185 10x3
    split squat: @95 lbs
    Good mornings @135lbs
    cleans @135

    .56, .61, .6, .64

  3. Tweaked my groin again during shooting. Going to rest it today & try to get back at it tomorrow.

    1. hmmm yeah stay off your groin for a bit. If you do any weight lifting portion make sure you do really light weight. Also instead of running maybe bike or row.

  4. Quarterfinal game tomorrow, don't want to be sore. Will get back workouts after the game.

  5. 90 minute practice will do work out tomorrow

  6. 2 hour club practice with conditioning. I'll do the workout tomorrow

  7. Weightlifting:
    BS: 95, 95, 100, 105
    Split Squat: 15lb DB's
    Goodmornings: 45lb bar

    Ran 2 miles today instead because I didn't have access to a track or treadmill. Hopefully tomorrow I can do the right workout.

    Today I really tried to focus on stretching. Last week my legs felt pretty bad, and still kind of do. I think a lot of that can be attributed to my lack of stretching before and after workouts. I spent a good 15 minutes after today using a jump rope to stretch my legs. Hopefully that pays off!!

    1. yes stretching and mobility are key! Go to the youtube channel mobility wod for some good stretching and mobility exercises.

  8. Iced, rested and did ankle exercises

  9. 1.5 hour club practice. Will do workout tomorrow.

  10. Run: 2 1/4 laps, 2 1/4 laps, 2 1/2 laps, 2 1/4 laps
    Knee got all swollen after so I'll do the lifting once my knee returns to normal

    1. does your knee normally get swollen after running?


  11. Back squat, 115, 125, 135
    Split Squat- 60lbs
    Goodmornings- 65 lbs
    (short on time but will complete the other lifting exercise)

    On the treadmill recorded .70, .69, .72, .7
    Went to club practice preparing for state cup!!! :)

  12. Back squat: 95, 105, 110, 110 lbs

    Single leg elevated lunges: 4x8 @ 30, 30, 40, 40 lbs

    Good mornings: (thank you for posting the video that really helped) used 45 lb bar

  13. Running: .52, .58, .59, .60
    this kicked my butt! Stomach was hurting a lil but overall great workout!

  14. Thursday, May 14
    Back squats: 95 105 115 120
    Split squats: 55
    Hanging leg lowers 10x4
    Running: .59 .60 .60 .59

  15. Running: .52 .55 .57 .56
    Back squat: 95, 105, 115, 120
    Lunge: 15 lb. db
    I think I did the leg lowers very wrong despite watching multiple videos

    1. Leg lowers are pretty tough .... Break in form could be strength or flexibility issue rather than technique. If it is causing pain - do them on the floor. Just hold onto something overhead and preform the same basic movement of raising and lowering your legs (down parallel to the floor, then up to an L)

  16. back squat: 4x8 at 85, 85, 95, 95lbs
    split lunges: 4x8 on each leg with 15lb db
    leg lowers: 2x10
    good mornings: 4x10 with 45lb bar

    4x4 mins runs
    1. .5
    2. .63
    3 .6
    4. .63

  17. Back squat 85x8 95x10 115x10
    Bench press 55x8 65x10 65x10

    Circuit x3
    Skaters x8 each
    Tuck jumps x8
    Rocket jumps x8

    With med ball-
    Russian twists x20 each
    Toe touches x20

    Push ups
    10 each round

    Plank w/ alt elbow x 20
    Crunch x40
    Sprinters x25
    Double leg glute bridge x30 sec
    Single leg x30 sec each

  18. Squats 3x10
    Lunges holding 25lbs in each hand. 3x10
    Calfs holding 25 lbs in each hand 3x10

    Press 3x10
    Laterals/frontals 3x10
    Shrugs 3x10
    Cleans 3x10
    Hanging leg lowers 3 sec count going down

  19. Squat 85, 90, 95, 100
    Single Leg Squat
    Hanging Leg
    Good Mornings: 45
    Running: 0.57 0.56 0.57 0.55

  20. Did the run first
    4x4 minutes: distance .44, .57, .57, .57

    Back Squats
    12 x 4 @95,105,115,115

    Rear foot elevated split
    10 x 4 @15,15,10,10

    Good morning
    10x4 @ 30,30,40,60

    scissor kicks x 50
    plank 1 minute
    side crunch x50 (each side)
    Russian twists x50 with a 10lb weight

  21. Back squat: 90,95,100,100
    Rear foot elevated: used 15lb ha I suck at these need to work on balance!
    Good mornings: used the bar.
    I did an ab work out with med ball instead of running because my hip is starting to flare up bad. Have been icing and resting it.

  22. Goblet squat 25, 30, 35, 40 x 8
    Split squat 10lb
    leg lowers - crap form still
    straight leg dead lift 30 lb db

    4 min runs
    .45 .48 .47 .45
    didn't rest full 3 minutes… ain't nobody got time for that

    Did the EMOM on Sunday after 20 min elliptical and treadmill intervals for 10 mins with 1 min on and 30 sec off (increasing speed .5 each "on" up to 8.5 then down)

    I didn't do it on the minute just went 10 rounds straight through
    65lb x 4
    75lb x 4
    80lb x 2

    after each jump rope of 15 did one attempt at double unders to see how many I could get. highest attempt was 18. not bad for first time doing them in oooh, maybe a year?

  23. Did the run first
    4x4 minutes: distance .58, .57, .56, .62

    Back Squats
    12 x 4 @95,105,115,115

    Rear foot elevated split
    10 x 4 @15,15,15,15

    Good morning
    10x4 @ 30,30,40,60

    scissor kicks x 50
    plank 1 minute
    side crunch x50 (each side)
    Russian twists x50 with a 10lb weight

  24. Did the run first
    4x4 minutes: distance .58, .57, .56, .62

    Back Squats
    12 x 4 @95,105,115,115

    Rear foot elevated split
    10 x 4 @15,15,15,15

    Good morning
    10x4 @ 30,30,40,60

    scissor kicks x 50
    plank 1 minute
    side crunch x50 (each side)
    Russian twists x50 with a 10lb weight

  25. running: 0.57,0.53,0.54,0.56
    Back squat: 65,75,75,75
    Rear foot elevated did with the 15lbs
    Good morning: 45
