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This is for Kelsee Bone :)

Friday, May 22, 2015

May 22, 2015

Weight lifting

A) Push Press 8-10 reps x5  65%, 70%, 75% , 80%, 85%
B) skill work-10 minute of TGU practice light weight       
TGU Demo            
C) Eccentric pull-ups accumulate 12 reps   

D1 HS Hold -60 sec               
D2 hollowbody hold - 60 sec       
D3 arch body hold      
60 sec/ 60 sec rest x5                        


3 mile run at 8:15 pace 

Record your time.


  1. Really proud of myself for getting this workout done. Went really early and didn't fall for the idea that I could workout later in the afternoon (which doesmt ever really go as planned) - especially since we're at a hotel and going early is sometimes scary (watched too many episodes of Criminal Minds).

    Push press 15lb db x10, 20lbx10, 20x 8, 20x8
    Hollowbody hold
    Push-ups - slow and perfect 4 sets of 8
    Arch body holds

    Bummed there wasn't a rig to do pull-ups bc I think they're coming along so maybe I'll try and make it to regular gym at some point on the trip so as not to lose all that progress! Plus a treadmill newer than 1986 would be nice :D

    Ran 2.5 miles which is a personal best this year. Sounds a little lame perhaps but been battling terrible IT band issues and haven't gotten over 2 miles in can't remember how long.

    YAY! Nice start to a Friday

  2. Trained with my Agility and Strength Coach Today:
    1000m Row
    Hurdles-Sideways/Two feet: 5sets
    -Sideways Jump:10repsx5
    Speed Ladders: Jump-2 in 2 out
    Sideways- 2 in 2 out
    (5 sets for each)
    Box Jump/speed- 20 reps
    Box Jump Double Height/speed-20reps
    Box Jump/Height/Triple Initial- 10reps
    Side shuffles w/resistance-5reps/5sets

    5 sets:
    20 bodyweight squats
    10 push ups
    20 sit ups
    30 second plank
    30 second side plank on both sides

    3 mile- total: 23.75
    Split time- 7.55,8.08,8.13

    1. nice job on the 3 mile and thanks for putting your split times!

  3. Thursday, May 21st-
    4 sets of:
    5 105 lb Power Cleans

    4 sets of:
    8 80 lb Landmine Rows
    3 Lateral Stretches

    3 sets of:
    20 (10 each arm) 30 lb SA Alternating DB Chest Press
    6 (3 each side) Chest Stretch

    3 sets of:
    30 (15 each side) Side Plank Leg Lifts
    16 (8 each side) 12 lb Lateral MB Slams

    3 sets of:
    12 66 lb Kneeling Cable Pull Downs

    3 sets of:
    24 (12 each side) 20 lb SA KB Overhead Press

    3 sets of:
    32 (16 each side) Rotating Plank
    4 Shoulder Mobility Stretches

    3 sets of:
    12 40 lb Drag Curls

    3 sets of:
    12 60 lb Tricep Press Downs

    2 sets of:
    30 (15 each side) Power Knees

    1 set of:
    24 (12 each side) J-Drills

    Friday, May 22nd-
    4 sets of:
    15 35 lb Goblet Squats
    15 Speed Squats
    30 Mountain Climbers

    3 sets of:
    20 (10 each side) Lunges
    1 40 yard fast jog
    3 Wall Walks

    3 sets of:
    10 12 lb MB Squat
    15 12 lb MB Slams

    3 sets of:
    20 (10 each side) 15 lb 2" lifts
    16 (8 each side) SL RDLs

    3 sets of:
    10 Band Hip Thrusters (hold for 3 seconds)
    20 (10 each leg) SL Bench Squats

    2 sets of:
    1 75 ft Versa Climber
    Mini Band Work

    2 sets of:
    1 60 yard 235 lb Sled Sprint

  4. Had to do the weight lifting on Thursday so I didn't get to do the workout posted. I did the arms and core workout at my dads gym.
    Gun show/triceps 3x7 each move.
    Elevated sit ups holding 10lb plate 3x15
    1-arm DB press with 25lb DB 3x8 each arm
    3x20 russian twists with 20lb med ball
    DB rows with 25lb DB 3x8 each arm
    Scissor kicks 3x20
    Push-ups 3x10
    30 sit-ups with 3 second count on the way down
    Lat pulls 3x10 50lbs
    Toe touches with 20lb med ball 3x15
    Ran 3 miles on a trail with a lot of hills that I didn't know that was fun. 24:28

  5. Push Press: I struggled getting in that many reps towards the end.
    Regular Pull ups 15
    Hollow body Hold
    Arch Body hold
    Running: 24:42

  6. Lifting was good, not too bad!
    I ran until my foot hurt so probably like two ish miles and then walked for about half a mile. The doctor didn't know what was wrong so he just said I can run on it, but when it hurts I should stop so that's what I am doing, but I am also trying to do the bike as much as I can.

  7. still not allowed to lift, and I played fugitive and I ran at least 6 miles sprinting a lot of the time!

  8. Went camping this weekend in the middle of the woods so couldn't really get a work out in. Will do it when I get home

  9. Didn't know where to post this but Tuesday May 26th

    1000m row
    3 sets:
    1:30 slide board side to side
    30sec mountain climbers
    25lbs-15repsx3- lunges
    Side shuffle with resistance
    75lbs- back squat
    45lbs- good mornings
    45lbs- push press
    Eccentric pull-ups
    500m row cool down

  10. Sorry I'm posting way late I did this workout on my lunch break so had to shorten it!

    Push press: 45, 55, 65, 65, 70
    Normal pull ups: 12
    24" box jumps: 4x10

    Ended up training my neighbors for 2 hours so didn't do the run, sorry.
