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This is for Kelsee Bone :)

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

May 20, 2015

Weight Lifting 

A)Back Squat 31X0 8 reps x5   65%, 70%, 75%, 80%, 85%  
3 min rest between sets                       
B) Rear foot elevated spilt sq. 3sec count going down. Start with 25 lbs in each hand and increase if to easy  8-10 x5               
90 sec rest between sets      
C1)Hanging leg lowers 3 sec count going down 14 Reps
If this is too hard, bend your knees or do it laying on the ground by holding on to something with your hands like a pole or squat rack and bringing your feet up to it and then lowing them down slowly.                  

C2)Good morning 31x3 
10 Reps Only use pvc pipe, 35 or 45lb bars. Do not do more then 45lbs!   
Good Morning Demo        

12 Emom 2 Power Cleans + 3 Front Squats 
use 85% of PC Max 


5 x 800m w/ 2:30 rest

Record your times


  1. goblet squat 25lb, 30, 35, 40, 40
    supersetted with leg hanging things bc when i superset straight leg deadlift with hanging things my grip is crap.

    elevated split squat stuck with 15 lbs only did 4 sets
    supersetted with straight leg deadliest 35lb dbs, 30, 30, 35

    12 rounds of
    2 power cleans + 3 front squats
    65 lbs x 6
    70 x 4
    75 x 2

    will run another day


  2. I went to a Tabata style aerobics class yesterday where we did squats, deadlifts, glute raises, triceps, biceps, abs. I'm still pretty sore from that so I will do this lifting tomorrow.
    I went on a one hour bike ride with my mom and did the 800s right after so my legs were a little jello-y. Booty was on fire by the end.

  3. And I have a coed soccer game tonight which should be tons of fun!!

  4. Leg press instead of back squat. 5x10 135, 155, 185, 195, 200.
    Completed split squats, hanging leg lowers, and good mornings (with a 25lb bar).
    For 12 minute EMOM did 1-hand DB snatches 2x each arm with a 25lb DB and 5 goblet squats with a 25lb DB.
    Running: 3:45, 3:34, 3:28, 3:32, 3:30.

  5. Tuesday, May 19th-
    4 sets of:
    12 88 lb KB Deadlift
    6 (3 each side) Knee Hugs

    3 sets of:
    24 (12 each side) SL TRX Leg Curls
    6 Toe Touches

    3 sets of:
    20 (10 each side) Stability Chop High to Low
    30 (15 each side) 14 lb MB Over the Shoulder Throw

    3 sets of:
    24 (12 each side) SL Elevated Glute Bridge
    12 90 lb RDLs
    40 (20 each side) Plank Toe Taps
    15 12 lb Deep MB Squat
    12 Sliding Leg Curls
    40 Russian Twists w/ 12 lb MB

    Wednesday, May 20th-
    4 sets of:
    15 14 lb MB Chest Pass
    15 Box Jumps
    15 12 lb MB Slams

    3 sets of:
    12 Diamond Push-Ups
    20 Speed Squats
    60 (30 each arm) McGill Ab Series

    3 sets of:
    15 15 lb DB Thrusters
    1 60 yard fast jog

    4 sets of:
    20 (10 each arm) Oblique Pike Climbers
    30 Rope Jacks

  6. Back squat: 75, 75, 85, 95, 100
    Elevated split squat: used 25 lbs which was doable but kind of heavy
    Hanging leg lowers: had to bend knees
    Good mornings: used 45 lb bar
    Emom: used 65 lb bar for both legs

    *** oh and I just found out that the bar I used for the back squat last week was a 35 instead of a 45 so minus 10 pounds from all those numbers!

  7. mon: club practice
    wed:Good Mornings: 40
    Glute Bridge: 45seconds x8 +10lbs
    Plank 60seconds x5
    10 burpies
    1.5miles on treadmill
    Keeper training
    Sumo Deadlift: 70, 70, 70, 75, 80
    Med ball hamstring curls: 10x5
    Back squat: 115, 125, 135, 135, 145
    Thurs: club practice

  8. Did lifting
    Run: 3:30, 3:29, 3:27, 3:30, 3:26

  9. Back Squat
    Rear Foot
    Hanging Leg Lowers: I did this on the ground instead.
    Good Morning: 45lb
    Completed Emom
    Running: 3:32, 3:34, 3:38, 3:34, 3:38

  10. Back squat- 70,75,75,80,85
    Rear Foot-25lbs 8x5
    Hanging leg- had to bend knees
    Good morning-45lbs 10x3
    Completed Emom

  11. I think I was just really tired today. Not my best lifting day.
    Back squat did a 2:30 rest 8x
    This was really hard for me.

    Split squats
    25 lbs
    8 reps 5x

    Bent knees on front raises
    40lb good mornings-was really light compared to the 75lb I did last time...

    Emom 105lb for clean and front squats

  12. BS: 8 reps 90 95 105 110 115
    SS: 20 in each hand 8x5
    Leg lowers
    Good mornings: 45 10 reps x4
    12 emoms with 40
    Running: 3:34 3:25 3:33 (still getting over a head cold & cough so I only did the 3)

  13. Weightlifting:
    BS: 95, 100, 100, 105, 110
    Split Squat: 25lb DB's
    Goodmornings: 45lb bar
    Hangingn leg: knees were definitely bent some
    Completed Enom
    Running: 3:30, 3:33, 3:34, 3:36, 3:32

  14. Back squat: 95, 100, 105, 110, 110
    split squat: just the bar
    goodmornings: just the bar
    hanging leg: still hard, but it got done
    Enom was hard I had my dad do it with me:)
    Still hurts to run so did it on a bike.

  15. rotator cuff tear, not allowed to lift for at least a week, hurt too bad today to do the running, will do it another day.

  16. 10-10 second sprint with a 25% incline in between each run...
    45 seconds of push-ups
    45 seconds of biceps curls on straps
    45 seconds of triceps on straps
    45 seconds of single leg lunges on straps
